REF 890011
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REF 890011
Handbook of alternative lithography on marble and aluminium.
Book in english.
Do you know that you can reuse to infinity your plate or marble very easily without a real graining? This book is for printmakers who want to practice Kitchen Lithography and broad their knowledge of the process. You will find advice and many tips to use when teaching in a group studio with both adults and children. The handbook will demonstrate a simple and non toxic methods of lithography. You also learn how to do a photocopy transfer, how to do papyrography… This straightforward process is explained in a clear and simple way together with the result of extensive research into the technique.The author is the inventor of Kitchen litho technique: Émilie aizier alias Émilion.
Preface by Maxime Préaud, Honorary curator of the National Library of France, redactor at “Nouvelles de l’estampe” magazine and President of Manifestampe, National Federation for printmaking art. Rare and original, this manual is entirely designed, developed and disseminated by the inventor Émilion.
Translation from the original French manual “Kitchen Litho Suite” of Émilie Aizier alias Émilion. English translation of Simon Burder, artist & lithograph at Oaksfineart studio based in London.
70-pages handbook (all color version) printed in France by the social establishment ESAT ESSOR. Color cover. Spiral binding. ISBN 978-2-9547000-5-2.
Cranfield Traditional Etching couleur