Joop Stoop
Colors are conditioned in 1kg cans.
Transparent white is available in 1kg and 2,5kg cans.
Gold and copper are available in 1,5kg cans.
The secret of our ink lies in the special care paid in cooking a strong, adhesive binder, the most difficult aspect of manufacturing ink. When mixed with pigment, the vehicle offers a balanced water/ink relationship that does not produce an emulsion. Lithographic grounds are common to the manufacturing of all types of oil-based inks. Our binder is based on natural oils: oil, linen and soy, mixed with modern resins. The cooking temperatures of the oils oscillate between 200 and 300 degrees. A weak varnish necessitates one hour of cooking, while a strong varnish requires three. We have succeeded in reducing the part of the hydrogen carbons in half, thus also helping to preserve the environment.
Pigment and light fastness:
Lemon yellow PY98 - 6-7/8
Process yellow PY74 - 6-7/8
Warm yellow PY74 / PY34 - 6-7/8
Orange PO20 - 6-7/8
Vermillion red PR2 / PO20 - 6-7/8
Warm red PR2 - résistance 6-7/8
Rubine red PR48:4 - 6-7/8
Magenta PR122 - 6-7/8
Violet blue PV23 / PV15:3 - 8/8
Concentrated blue PV15:4 / PV23 - 8/8
Forrer blue PB1 / PW6 - 4/8
Process blue PB15:3 - 8/8
Turquoise blue PB15:3 / PG7 - 8/8
Green PG7 - 8/8
Brown PY74 / PR2 / PBk7 - 6-7/8
Red black PBk7 / PR2 - 8/8
Black PBk7 / PBk61 - 8/8
Covering white PW6 - 8/8
Super opaque white PW6 - 8/8
Transparent lake PW24 - 8/8
Gold bronze - résistance 8/8
Silver aluminium - résistance 8/8
Copper - résistance 8/8
Specific References
Cranfield Traditional Etching Black
Cranfield Printmakers' Wax Drier